Thursday, September 17, 2009


Israel - a complicated situation, almost indistinct in the storm of potential accusations of anti-semitism and the counter accusations that it has co-opted the memory of the Holocaust for propaganda purposes. Its right to exist, and to defend itself is the stuff that degrees and bibliographies are built upon.

Yet it waged war upon the people of Gaza, as the above link reports. The Israeli army bombed factories from the air, and then sent in mines and soldiers to ensure it was destroyed to the foundations, they bombed hospitals and mosques. Some of the testimonies are damning and uncomfortable, but you should read them.

It is important to seperate Israel from Judaism, in as much as we should seperate Islam from Al-Qaeda and KKK from christianity, because Israel, it is reasonable to conclude, is a state turned to terrorism. Al-Qaeda with a Michael Bay budget and the US onside. If there is justification for this, I long to hear it.

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