1. They get in line. The squabbling that we are seeing as the Labour Party leadership election hits the final stages rarely happens on the Right, or at least there is less mileage in it from a press point of view. Once a decision is made, then whatever dissent happens is done in private and the various groups wait their turn to speak, each time out emboldened by the cumulative victories that internal discipline creates. I know that progressivism engenders discussion and debate, but this goes to the second trait...
2. Keep It Simple, Stupid. The general rule of thumb is that a wider audience demands a simpler message, which is something that the right have down pat - their controversies are empowered by a simple core message or talking point that is disseminated amongst their activists and supporters, simple enough to remember and repeat with confidence. So lately, we have 'Ground Zero Mosque', 'Age of Austerity', 'The Big Society' - all simple phrases that mask big and disturbing ideas that get repeated until they sound reasonable.
3. Ruthlessness/Tenacity. Sheer, would run a baby down in the street, ruthlessness. They do not stop, they do not second-guess, they just do what they have to do - unless they don't have control of the situation from the beginning. The suggestion of removing free school milk was swiftly removed as it harked back to Thatcher's most ideological excesses and no one called them on it nor did they chase it after the moment. Whereas the right's most capable will chase an issue, a freudian slip or a poorly defended position until it is forgotten what the original issue was, only the sight of the hounded politician,academic or journalist flailing at the ear and bleeding from the wounds inflicted upon them.
What they don't have is compassion and heart, ultimately the truth of conservatism is not about helping the least, it is about ensuring that the rich get paid first and a sustainable illusion of achievement keeps the rest of us in line or soporific enough to stop us taking to the streets in pursuit of the truth.
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