Hello, my name is Matt Blissett. I am a number of things, and I write on here as I grew tired of firing off 150 character status updates and wanted to expand into longer pieces, more to talk about the things that I love, I hate and the ideas that I have. This photograph is probably a touch more intimate than I like, but its flattering. Flattering is good, and this isn't a photo that I would laugh at if it appeared elsewhere, which is always a concern.
Few years ago, I would never post anything about myself, let alone a photograph, I used to be mortified about my appearance, when really I was just horribly unconfident about myself, I could fake it for short periods but deep down I used to be afraid of whatever people might think about me if I were actually myself. Then I worked through my issues, mainly because my trade union work meant I had to become more confident or fail. So, here I am.
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