Wednesday, August 25, 2010

To Clegg

Ah, Nick. Apogee for the Conservative policies, once again he perks up to defend the regressive economic policies of the Cabinet he once warned so vociferously against.

OK, so he claims that we have yet to see the measures to increase employment, well right now we need to see whether or not he can dispute what the IFS are detailing, and further to that, how exactly can this budget continue to be identified as either 'progressive' or 'fair'. Any answers, Nick?

That is the thing, answer the question, be honest with us. If at least, you had the courage of your convictions, if you actually spoke truth to power, as it were, we might not like it, but at least we could talk about it. If this is truth, then the grounds are there to debate it, and perhaps reach a consensus. Instead we get misdirection and obfuscation, the most puerile verbal subterfuge that we expect and oftentimes find endearing and exasperating in equal measure - WHEN ITS YOUR CHILD DOING THE LYING.

Remember when Nick was trying to harness the sweet feeling of Obama's campaign, without actually capturing the substance of it, but the idea that there might be alternatives to Labour or Conservative(to be fair, even Obama has struggled to capitalise on his own momentum)? I recall conversations with people who were traditional Labour voters and were considering voting for his party. To be honest, even I considered it, but mindful of my position as a trade unionist, lover and party member, plus you know Tony Wright actually did his job as an MP so I am pleased that I actually did not vote for Liberal Democrats, which actually went to help create this motley shower.

So in honour of Nick rising to defend horrific punitive budget measures, I propose that we, in honour of Dan Savage using Rick Santorum's surname to describe a sexual act - find something similar to honour this glass of sour milk in a suit. I welcome your suggestions in the comments.

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