Friday, February 12, 2010

Things To Be Scared Of

You should be more scared of the press than the government. Ask Winston Silcott. Ask anyone who has been the subject of stories that had no basis in truth what it is like to have them rip into your life.

The press in this country are an uneasy amalgam of incompetence, laziness, malevolence and expediency. The lies that get propagated, the common assertions that are simply prejudices enforced and enflamed, they ruin people, or betray their memory - I wonder if Mark Speight might have found the will to live had the papers not dug through his life whilst his girlfriend was barely cold. I wonder if there is a child dead or crippled because their parents trusted the stories, unable to detect and disassemble the lies contained therein. There are many whose lives have been damaged by the agendas of daily newspapers.

The paranoia and fear that these papers engender has done more to prevent bold leadership decisions, (and it is important to define these apart from expressing public opinion) We hear how Britain is broken, yet never ask why the cheerleaders for the policies that ruined this country for anyone who earns less than 50k are still on the sidelines, no matter what team is on the field.

If only we had a PCC that had balls, or libel laws that were actually sensibly implemented and enforced.

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