Saturday, May 28, 2005


Busy. Circuit training, transformation, living off of tuna and baked potatoes, eating to the point of monotony but I feel so much more alive, a real physical connection to myself that never really had before.

Comics - more of Seven Soldiers, the stories so far are all wonderful, I love Morrison because he makes me want to be a writer, not that I want to be the next Morrison but he inspires and creates in a way that few can, he is to a higher standard than most, if not all other comic writers in my opinion. I cannot wait to see his screenplay realized and the acts of global tomfoolery that it is supposed to fund.

Books - Bushwhacked by MOLLY IVINS, new John Connolly, old Chuck Palahniuk, dummies guide to meditation and to chess, Bill Bryson and Don Winslow. My book habit is grandiose and frightening, but I cannot stop it.

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